The Brick of Fiction!


I am always fascinated by what appears in an auction room or boot sale stall. The other week in a local auction, lot number 57 was two bricks taken from 221 Baker St, the fictional home of Sherlock Holmes…

I have a friend his name is Mick,
Went to an auction bought a brick.
His charming wife (she’s called Daisy),
Saw his purchase then went crazy!
She shouted the odds and proceeded to cry:
“You bought a brick, just tell me why?”
Mick replied, “I’ll get to the bones,
It’s formerly owned by Sherlock Holmes!”
On hearing this, “That’s a gem,
You bought a brick? We’ve four walls of them!
Don’t mean to be rude with contradiction,
But your bloody brick’s just a work of fiction!”
© Baldock Bard 2012

Bayles Auctions, Norton, near Baldock
01763 281 256

The Baldock Car Boot Sale’s 20th anniversary season continues next Saturday!
BootLine: 07852 707 074
E-mail: baldockbard(at)
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